Reach More Readers With an Author Brand

JENIFFER THOMPSON offers Author Branding + Marketing Strategies

To sell books, you need an audience.  To build an audience you need to have a platform that draws them in. I’ll help you develop that platform and build your personal brand with a strategic roadmap to guide your marketing journey. I’ll help you create a powerful online presence, increase your visibility, and elevate your authority.


Author Branding

A solid personal brand ensures that you’re visible, trusted, and known in your field.

Book Marketing

A powerful book marketing plan will tell your story and find your readers.

Book Publishing

A published book increases your credibility and commands authority. 

Write Your Best Bio

Writing a professional bio is the first step to creating a polished, powerful, personal brand. In How to Write a Professional Bio, personal branding expert Jeniffer Thompson walks you through ten easy steps with her proven Bio-Writing Formula, Plus, you’ll get helpful tips and strategies to build your brand, find your audience, and increase your visibility.

Write your best bio and start your journey to success!

Listen to Jeniffer’s Podcast

Jeniffer’s Book Marketing Blog

Staying on Top of Content Creation: Some Tips

Staying on Top of Content Creation: Some Tips

One of the biggest challenges many of my clients (and myself, if I’m being honest) face is staying on top of content creation. It can be hard to find the time and to stay on task. But I also believe it’s possible to create a sustainable plan for growing your author platform and marketing your book and that should it be a joyful experience. 

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Preparing for Publication: The Early Steps

Preparing for Publication: The Early Steps

Preparing for publication starts much earlier than many indie authors expect. This is because you’ll need to have many things completed long before your book launch day to set yourself up for success.  Growing your author platform and building your brand are the first...

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Praise for Jeniffer Thompson

“I am thrilled that I decided to work with Jeniffer. She has integrity, is exceedingly  talented, and takes pride in doing  stellar work. If you are in the market for a brilliant consultant determined to make your dreams come true with your branding and marketing, do yourself a favor and work with Jeniffer Thompson!”

Laura Engel

Author and President of San Diego Memoir Writers Assoc.

“Jeniffer and the team at MCM makes creating the brand you’ve always envisioned easy to realize. They have a great process that helps you communicate what you want on your website. They take care of all the details. Highly recommended.”

Alex Vorobieff

Consultant, CEO of AvCo

“I am SO thrilled with what you’ve come up with! You are truly brilliant! I love your methodical approach–and your responsivity and incredible insight. Thank you!”

Dr. Valerie Sussman

Author + Blogger

“Branding yourself, especially as an author, is now the price of admission for writers. I came to Jeniffer Thompson as a writer who had a multi-decade career in another field and a full-time family. There was no “on-ramp” to the fast-moving, ever-changing superhighway that we know of as “the writing industry.” Jeniffer changed my mind about myself as a writer and changed hopelessness into optimism. There is an on-ramp. Today, I’m merging into the heavy traffic of the industry as an author who belongs on the highway. When it comes to branding and publishing, Jeniffer made it happen for me.”

Douglas A. Burton

Author and You Tube Personality

“Jeniffer Thompson’s level of skill and enthusiasm for helping her clients is really quite wonderful. Her insight and suggestions for everything from the first steps of deciding on your brand and presentation, to the building of your website, will suit you perfectly. Jeniffer and her team at Monkey C Media design excellent book covers and interior layouts for the publication of her clients’ books. She will guide the building of your social media presence, and goes above and beyond to meet every deadline. Jeniffer will be your mainstay through the entire process of publishing and promoting your book. Jeniffer Thompson continues to be invaluable to me, and I highly recommend her.”

Joan K. Lacy

Author of “Alex Cort Adventures,” a six-book series of adventures & magic.

Personal Branding Tips the Scales in Your Favor

What are you selling? You or your book? Most authors promote their books and services but fail to promote themselves. Personal author branding will increase your authority, build a memorable platform, and improve your online visibility—all of which turns potential readers into loyal followers. 

Branding is your AUTHORITY combined with a STRATEGY to communicate your PROMISE to your audience.

What is Personal Branding?

Branding is a combination of authority, online visibility, and personal style. Smart Author Branding is about making smart choices, connecting the dots of your success, and believing that you are worthy of that success.

That last part is important. Are you worthy? As a branding expert, I have the honor of working with thought leaders and experts who have established themselves in their fields, they have homed in on their greatness, and they offer a stellar service, but, many of them lack one thing: COURAGE. That is, the courage to believe in their value and know that they are worthy of success!

Be a Bad-Ass

Here it is: If you don’t shout your expertise and bad-assery to the world, then the person who needs you most will never find you (psst, I’m talking about your client, your reader—your audience).

It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and disrupt the norm. It takes courage to shout your truth to the world and to trust that what you have to say is not only worthy, but important, critical even.

As part of my Smart Author Branding series, I’m on a mission to help authors, speakers, and entrepreneurs access their courage. If you are ready to elevate your brand in a meaningful and lasting way then this is the perfect place to start. And, like I said, I’ll offer lot’s of tips along the way to keep up your momentum and shout your greatness clearly and loudly to the person who needs your expertise now.

What happens when you don’t have a brand?

Is branding really that important? Only if you want to rise above your competition and be the best you can be.

The thing about not having a brand is that it causes confusion. Not only for your readers, bur for you. It’s like traveling without a roadmap. Every piece of copy you write, every marketing choice you make needs to follow a theme—the theme of your brand, from brand voice, to brand identity, to brand visibility. Understanding the level of professionalism that you want to convey is the beginning of building a solid brand.

Without a brand you’ll find yourself drowning in confusion soup. Everything gets mixed together in one big pot until pretty soon it starts to spoil and turn into a compost heap.

Yes, You Are Worthy of a Brand

One of the biggest things that holds people back from success is a lack of confidence, that feeling that you are not good enough. Self-doubt is part of it, learning to manage that self-doubt is part of it too.

Success is not a straight line. You’re going to have days where you feel like quitting.

You don’t have to believe it, but you do have to convince others that you believe it. Confidence builds.

You have to own it.

You have to believe that you are worthy of that success.

You have to believe in yourself first and foremost.

You must be willing to fail, to get back up, and to try again.

What is Your Super Power?

Knowing where you excel allows you to create a plan that builds on your strengths. Equally important, what are you bad at? It’s important to know where you need help. When do you shine and when do you falter? What drains you? What fills you with joy and makes you wish you could do this every day for the rest of your life? 

Are You Ready to Invest in YOU?

Give yourself permission to ask for what you want—if you have the courage to dream it, you are that much closer to making it happen. Part of my process is simply planting a seed.

My favorite side effect of a well-developed brand is the aphrodisiac of confidence building. A personal brand is the best confidence builder I’ve ever witnessed. As your message and your brand begin to take shape and “it” begins to feel real, you will feel a sense of validation and pride that is absolutely contagious.

Trust that you are worthy of speaking your truth, and trust that your truth is valuable and needed. Like all other skill sets, it’s okay to take one step at a time. You are worthy of this time investment. Start small, but know you can grow your author power into a powerful, life-changing, earth-shaking brand.

Trust, my beautiful friend, trust.

Call me today! I’ll Help You Find Your Starting Line and Your Finish Line!

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