Book Marketing Tips

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Staying on Top of Content Creation: Some Tips

Staying on Top of Content Creation: Some Tips

One of the biggest challenges many of my clients (and myself, if I’m being honest) face is staying on top of content creation. It can be hard to find the time and to stay on task. But I also believe it’s possible to create a sustainable plan for growing your author platform and marketing your book and that should it be a joyful experience. 

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Preparing for Publication: The Early Steps

Preparing for Publication: The Early Steps

Preparing for publication starts much earlier than many indie authors expect. This is because you’ll need to have many things completed long before your book launch day to set yourself up for success.  Growing your author platform and building your brand are the first things you’ll need to concentrate on, long before your book is published. This part of the process can start as early as 24...

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Focusing Your Book Marketing Energy to Avoid Burnout

Focusing Your Book Marketing Energy to Avoid Burnout

Of all of the things you do as an author, book marketing can be the most overwhelming. There is so much advice out there and it seems there is so much you’re supposed to be doing that it can be hard to know where to focus your book marketing energy.  The thing is, you don’t need to do it all, all of the time. This leads to burnout and that’s not sustainable. Book marketing is a long-term effort...

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LinkedIn is More Like Social Media Now: Is This Good or Bad?

LinkedIn is More Like Social Media Now: Is This Good or Bad?

In the last few years LinkedIn has become more popular and has a growing membership. Apparently, the number of posts on LinkedIn has grown by 41% in the last three years. It’s also slowly changing. Because of this, there’s been talk about whether LinkedIn is more like social media than a platform for professional networking these days.  But what does this mean, and is this a good thing or bad...

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Yes, Self-Published Authors Can Do Pre-Orders! Here’s How

Yes, Self-Published Authors Can Do Pre-Orders! Here’s How

Many authors I work with are unaware that self-published authors can do pre-orders for their books. Yes! You too can take advantage of offering pre-orders to boost your book sales and I highly recommend that you do. Below, I'll explain why they’re beneficial and how indie authors can do pre-orders so you don’t miss out on the benefits of this author marketing strategy.   How Do Pre-Orders...

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Are Writing Contests Worth it? 11 to Consider

Are Writing Contests Worth it? 11 to Consider

Much like book awards, writing contests are opportunities to gain recognition for your efforts, and winning comes with benefits. Yet many people don’t bother to submit their writing to these contests. They wonder, are writing contests worth it? Well, I think they are. After all, you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. For those of you who haven’t published a book yet, or don’t ever want to...

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4 Big Benefits of Author Conferences and Festivals

4 Big Benefits of Author Conferences and Festivals

With the 2024 San Diego’s Writer’s Festival upon us I’ve been very busy with the planning and preparation. It’s also got me thinking about writer’s conferences in general, and why my co-founder, Marni Freedman, and I had a vision for the SDWF. Like many festivals now, and those that have come before us, we wanted to offer opportunities for authors to meet, network, learn, and be inspired. But we...

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How Publishing Consultants Help Authors

How Publishing Consultants Help Authors

Remember, self-published is a misnomer. Every author will need help getting their book out into the world. And the people who help facilitate that are available when you need them, at whatever your level of need happens to be. 

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