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You Don’t Need an NDA as an Author

You Don’t Need an NDA as an Author

One of the biggest mistakes we can make as new writers is not being savvy about how the industry works. I recently came across an old article from 2015 about the use of non- disclosure agreements, otherwise known as NDAs.

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Searching Google with Focus

Searching Google with Focus

Below is a guide to following Google with focus to get more out of your SEO. If you want your site or blog to rank higher in Google searches, you'll need to do a few things. I've broken it all down into easy to follow steps for you. So, give it a shot! Track incoming links It’s important that you pay attention to the engagement you get from all of your online content from social media to your...

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Using Keywords to Build Your Audience

Using Keywords to Build Your Audience

  In the age of digital marketing it’s critical that you attract the attention of your audience, and more importantly-- retain their attention! But how do you rise above the noise of your competition and get noticed? Ironically, I’ve got just one word for you: Keywords. Well, they’re a good place to start anyway. You must consistently write relevant copy that targets the needs of your...

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Book Awards: What Do You Do with a Book Award?

Book Awards: What Do You Do with a Book Award?

  Congratulations! You just won first place in a book awards contest! Now what?   This post is about connecting the dots, oh, beautiful writer, connecting the dots of your success! Let’s be clear: No, book awards don't sell books—it’s what you do with them that sells books. It’s all about how hard you hustle to get the word out and use that award to boost your credibility. You are no...

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Is Your Website Safe?

Is Your Website Safe?

I was delighted to hear from a long-time client whose been working on some amazing projects, has written several books to International success, and is working on yet another book. Then the bad news came: her website was hacked and she lost everything. Sound of heart breaking. I know, right? How does this happen? Whether it be a lack of communication, an outdated email, an expired credit card,...

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What is Fair Use?

What is Fair Use?

Last week, I talked about rights-free images and the fact that fair use isn't a defense against using someone else's copyrighted work without their express written permission. Lot’s of people had questions about this: When does fair use come into play? Since I'm not an attorney, I decided to ask my good friend Tonya M. Evans to shed some "legal" light on the matter. She's written several books...

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When Can You Use an Image on Your Blog?

When Can You Use an Image on Your Blog?

Last week I shared 20 sources to find free images for your blog. A picture really is worth a thousand words. Today, I’d like to talk about the importance of rights-usage and what that means to you, the smart blogger. Step One: Never grab a random image and use it on your blog, or on Social, or anywhere for that matter. I am still surprised by how many people think that’s ok. It’s not. Danger...

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19 Free Image Sources for Bloggers

19 Free Image Sources for Bloggers

Arresting and captivating images paint a picture and draw people into your words. Ah, but finding a good image can be challenging, expensive, and time consuming. Never fear my blogging friends: I’ve catalogued 20 sources for finding free, quality images to help turn your posts into engaging stories that draw in your reader. Remember, even if you get an image from any one of these services, be...

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