Book Marketing Tips

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How to Look Your Best on Zoom: Some Tips and Tricks

How to Look Your Best on Zoom: Some Tips and Tricks

This has been the year of Zoom. And virtual meetings of all kinds— on Zoom and other platforms—are probably going to stick around on some level for the foreseeable future. So, if you haven’t already dialed in your Zoom game, or just need some tips on how to get your best Zoom on, this one’s for you. 

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Fable: A New Brand and Influence Building Platform?

Fable: A New Brand and Influence Building Platform?

There are a million potential brand and influence building platforms out there it seems, but the latest to catch my eye was Fable. What is Fable, you ask? Well, simply put, Fable is an app meant for creating and joining book clubs. Seems fun and full of possibility, right?

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What a Personal Brand Is and Isn’t

What a Personal Brand Is and Isn’t

I know that a lot of people have a sort of cringe reaction to the term Personal Brand, because it often seems icky, self-promotional and, well, kind of fake. But it’s none of those things, really. I want to help you understand what a personal brand is, so you can build yours with confidence.

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Let’s Talk Personal Branding and Marketing Goals for 2021

Let’s Talk Personal Branding and Marketing Goals for 2021

But here, again, is the good news—2020 also got a lot of us thinking about our priorities. It may have even prompted you to look at your personal branding goals and realign them according to how you feel about yourself in the world now? Trust these thoughts, and consider a bit of a rebranding to better fit how you feel and who you are now.  

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5 Content Ideas to Build Your Brand (and Your Following!)

5 Content Ideas to Build Your Brand (and Your Following!)

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: content is king when it comes to building your brand and gaining loyal followers. And yes, regular, SEO focused, quality blog posts are one of the best ways to build your brand and following. But they’re not the only way.

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