Book Marketing Tips

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Even Self-Published Authors Need ARCs

Even Self-Published Authors Need ARCs

Have you ever wondered how books already have reviews on their publication date? Or how authors get those glowing reviews you see on the back cover? Well, it’s because they sent out an ARC. So, self-published authors, you need ARCs too! What is an ARC and How Do I Get One?  ARC stands for Advance Reading Copy or Advance Review Copy. These are promotional copies of books sent out to reviewers and...

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Promoting Your Book Launch

Promoting Your Book Launch

Once you start promoting your book launch you’ll probably get some traffic to your website and other social platforms—and you’ll want to be ready for that!

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Bookshop: How it Helps Authors

Bookshop: How it Helps Authors

Have you heard about Bookshop yet? It stated just a few years ago with the intention of being an alternative book selling platform, and now it may be on its way to giving Amazon a run for its money.

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Your Author One-Sheet: The Details

Your Author One-Sheet: The Details

An author one-sheet or sell-sheet is an essential piece of print marketing material for your book. It’s simply one sheet of paper(though it can be double sided if needed) containing all the important information about you and your book for promotional purposes. 

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Social Media Success: 5 Tips for Getting There

Social Media Success: 5 Tips for Getting There

It can be argued that a social media presence doesn’t matter. But think about it. Where else are you going to be seen online? How will you get more traffic to your website? Will you be able to build a solid and consistent brand without it?

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