If you’re serious about writing, and especially getting published, you need to join a writers group. You’ll get invaluable support, a sense of community and learn important aspects of the writing and publishing process you likely won’t experience when going it alone. From sketching out that first draft to publishing and beyond, writers groups can help you realize your dreams of being a published writer.


Who Should Join a Writers Group?

Because there are many types and often available online, everyone can benefit from joining a writers group. I’ll go over why you should join a writers group in the next section but here I want to tell you about the types of writers who can benefit the most. 

Those New to Writing

Yes, writing groups are for everyone! But especially those new to writing. In particular if you have very little prior experience in whatever new style or craft you’re taking on. If the last time you wrote was in highschool or college, you’ll find the support, feedback and sense of community invaluable. 

Those Who Need Motivation

Even those who do have prior writing experience and write regularly have days they are unmotivated to write. We all do. Writers groups offer built in motivation. If you have big ideas that never come to fruition, or have always dreamed of writing—whether it’s a book or a regular blog—it may be time to join a writers group. 

Why Should You Join a Writers Group?


Besides needing motivation or the opportunity to learn from others, like the scenarios I mentioned above, there are several other reasons to join a writers group.  

For instance, if you’re already in the process of writing your book, a writers group may save you time and money. Why? Because your book may already be more polished thanks to the feedback from your writers group. You could also be much further ahead in the process than you would be without the group.  

There are so many good reasons to join a writers group! Here are some more below.


Consistency and Accountability

When you join a writers group this often leads to more consistency in your writing. We all struggle to find the time to write, but writing consistently is the best way to get stuff on the page. Being part of a writers group also holds you accountable, which in turn motivates you to keep at it. 

Improving Your Craft

One of the biggest benefits of joining a writers group is that it will improve your writing. The more you write, the more feedback you get and the more you read other writers, the better your writing becomes. Sure, you could sit and write every day for years but your writing won’t naturally improve without effort and feedback from others.  

A Built in Test Audience

Another fantastic perk of joining a writers group is that you gain a built in test audience and beta readers. You don’t have to go it alone, wondering if your writing is good enough. You have a supportive group who are there just for that purpose.

For Networking Purposes

Being part of a like-minded community with similar focus and goals also makes for great networking opportunities. Maybe some members have connections to editors, beta readers and other publishing help. These same people can also spread the word about your work and be your cheerleaders through the publishing process. 


Some Writers Groups to Join


Now that you know the benefits you can receive when you join a writers group, it just comes down to which type to choose. Though you can( and I encourage you to) join several types of writers groups because they can serve different purposes. 

There are writers groups that function as workshops and there are some that focus on learning the craft. There are also different types of writers groups that focus more on support and resources, such as writers guilds and associations.  As I mentioned, you can join several! Why not, right? 

National Writers Guild and Associations 


National writers groups are usually writers guilds and associations. They offer everything from legal support to publishing advice and marketing opportunities, plus valuable education. Besides, it looks good to belong to these types of national associations because it shows you’re serious about your craft. In other words, they’re great to add to your author bio! These groups often host conferences that are excellent learning and networking opportunities as well. Below are a few I recommend. 


Join a Local Writers Group


I live in San Diego, and there are several local writers groups here in our vibrant and supportive writing community! I’m lucky to be part of the International Memoir Writers Association (formerly San Diego Memoir Writers Association) and serve on the board. Check out some of these local groups if you live in the area!



If you don’t live near any of these, there are still plenty of opportunities to join a writers group. Consider some of the national associations and guilds I mentioned above. If there’s nothing in your area focused on craft, consider joining an online group. Do a little internet sleuthing, or inquire at your local library or bookstore. 


If You Can’t Join a Writers Group, There are Still Opportunities


If you can’t join a writers group by any of the means above, take a writing class at your local community college or audit a class at your local college or university. Many of these are limited to those that have taken other writing courses first, but if you have that experience under your belt and the records to prove it you may still be able to audit a university level course. You can also always audit English Lit courses. There’s a reason they are required for English and Writing majors! You can learn a lot about the craft that way. Reading and analyzing great literature gives you invaluable insights.


Either way, there are plenty of opportunities out there to either join a writers group or to get involved with the writing community. It’s well worth the effort and you’ll learn, grow and accomplish things with your writing you couldn’t have without the help and support. So, put yourself out there and join up! You won’t regret it.