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Media Kits: Some Advice from a Pro

Media Kits: Some Advice from a Pro

You're Going to Need a Media Kit   My last post covered press releases, what they are and why you need one for your book. Today I want to talk about your media kit. And what better advice could I give than that of an expert on media kits? So I reached out to Sandy Poirier, at Smith Publicity and asked her what she thought, so I could share her expertise with you. And she was kind enough to...

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Influencers 101: Influencer Collaboration

Influencers 101: Influencer Collaboration

Knowing what type of influencer collaboration will work best for you is as simple as knowing your goals and being realistic about your expectations. So, if you’ve never collaborated before, start small, with mentions and shares on social media and move up towards the kind of partnerships that lead to co-promotions.

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Making Your Amazon Author Central Page the Best it Can Be

Making Your Amazon Author Central Page the Best it Can Be

You probably already know that Amazon is kinda THE platform to sell books online. But did you know that your Amazon Central Author page can actually help you sell more books? Only if you use it to its full potential, of course. A professional looking Author Central page can help you sell your book because it proves your legitimacy and helps convert your readers into loyal fans! 

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