by Jeniffer Thompson | Apr 2, 2020 | Author Marketing, Jeniffer Thompson, Search Engine Optimization
When was the last time you checked into the state of your WordPress website? In the last six months new tools have been added, design trends are changing, and there are probably some things that could use some sprucing up to ensure you’re getting the kind of...
by Jeniffer Thompson | Mar 31, 2020 | Author Marketing, Digital Marketing, Ideas and Tips, Jeniffer Thompson, Personal Branding, Selling Your Book
You probably already know that Amazon is THE go-to platform for selling indie books online. But, I’d like to encourage you to remember your local boutique bookstores when you link out your BUY NOW buttons from your author websites. Plus, I always give my readers...
by Jeniffer Thompson | Mar 19, 2020 | Author Marketing, Digital Marketing, Ideas and Tips, Jeniffer Thompson, Networking, Personal Branding, Selling Your Book, Social
Whether you have published your book or not, now is the time to create your GoodReads account. While you’re leading up to publication, be sure to get active on GoodReads: review books in your genre, start networking with other readers and authors, and buildout...
by Jeniffer Thompson | Mar 11, 2020 | Blogging, Content Creation, Digital Marketing, Ideas and Tips, Personal Branding, Social
Do you want to transform your blog or social media posts from hum-drum to engaging and powerful content that helps build your personal brand and online influence? Then you’ll need to have some dynamic imagery. And this post is here to help you with that. I’m going to...
by Jeniffer Thompson | Mar 1, 2020 | Author Marketing, Blogging, Content Creation, Ideas and Tips, Jeniffer Thompson, Personal Branding
I’ve been writing a lot in recent blog posts about the importance of content creation and how you can use it to build your personal brand. I’ve asked you to put in quite a bit of research and time checking out the many platforms and strategies you can use to start...