Wow, the new year is already here and we’re almost halfway through January! Can you believe how time flies? If you’ve gotten a late start on compiling your goals for the new year, or just need a refresher on staying focused as you build your brand this list is for you. Let’s talk author branding goals for 2024! 

Do You Have Any New Author Branding Goals for 2024?


Every year you should do a yearly check in on your branding goals, and it’s best to do regular check ins and scheduled maintenance to keep you motivated, focused, and inspired throughout the year.  Inspiration is key to moving forward and working towards your author branding goals for 2024 and beyond. So let’s start with that! 


Have You Been Inspired to Reach for Something Specific to this Year? 


Is there something specific to this year that made your author branding goals for 2024 list? Make these goals your priority, especially if they are in a limited or exclusive timeframe. These goals don’t have to be only what you wish to accomplish for growing your reach and your brand, but they can be. Maybe they will just boost your inspiration or be a learning opportunity?

  • Are there any courses coming up you’d like to take? Speakers you want to see? Conferences you want to attend?
  • Do you have big goals you want to check off your list this year? Do you want to land your first speaking gig at a specific conference? Will this be the year you submit your newly published book for an award? Is there a timely course you’d like to put together and teach?

All these types of goals are short term and time specific yet they bring long term results and benefits, so prioritize them!

Did Some Goals Get Pushed Aside that You Could Revisit this Year? 


When creating a list of your author branding goals for 2024 are there some goals left unfinished from last year? Could you incorporate these into your goals for this year, or carry them over?

Just because you didn’t attain every goal, or they were overlooked due to all the things that can pop up over the course of the year, doesn’t mean they need to be tossed out. But sometimes, just some reevaluation can help you refine your past goals. You can read more about that below. 


Your Evergreen Yearly Checklist: Your Author Branding Goals for 2024 and Beyond


Before you start creating your new author branding goals for 2024 it’s always a good idea to take the time to reflect on the past year. Reassessing the time and money spent can shed light on what’s working and what’s not. The things that didn’t work aren’t a waste of your time, or a failure on your part. Course correction is all part of the process! You simply adapt and make new goals, changing your priorities based on your experience. 


Keeping Information and Assets Fresh


Now, you don’t have to necessarily change anything to move forward with your goals on these yearly check ins, but you’ll likely need to do some updating and refreshing. These are the things I always recommend giving a refresh on a yearly basis. 


  1. Get a new headshot. The truth is, you only need to swap out your headshot if you make a drastic change in your looks, or you seriously look different than your photo. Typically every three years is a good rule of thumb, however, I recommend having a new photo taken every year anyway. Get in the habit. As a known thought leader, new photos build buzz.  
  2. Renew your domain names and get rid of ones you don’t need.
  3. Change your passwords.
  4. Is your website content current? Do you have new articles, events, accolades, awards, products, videos, or services that you can add? Are you advertising old content? Is your bio current?


Other things to consider adding to your end of year checklist for this coming year: 


  1. Update your press kit with a new headshot, update bio, new mentions, appearances, articles, press releases, etc.
  2. Update your speaker packet with an updated bio, headshot, and new speaker topics, impressive past events, testimonials, endorsements, etc. 
  3. Send out a yearly update newsletter to your mailing list; something that is more personal than your blogs to let your fans know what’s new and exciting in your world; offer a free useful bit of something extra to make your list feel special. Teach a free online class once a year that you only offer your subscribers.
  4. Send Holiday cards to your supporters, loyal clients, vendors, and influencers. 
  5. Send out a press release every year, something that gives you some visibility in the local press: a new book, ebook, a new program, video, new team member, a location move, etc.


What is Still Serving Your Author Branding Goals for 2024 and Beyond? 


Once you’ve got the inspiration and a good idea of your author branding goals for 2024, it’s time to do some reevaluation, as I mentioned above. Are your assets, resources and other tools still serving you? 

  1. Audit who you follow and subscribe to. Unsubscribe to anything that takes up space in your inbox (and your head) that is not useful.
  2. Rethink how you spend your time. Are working smarter and not harder to get results?
  3. Rethink what you invest money in. Is it still valuable to you? Are you getting the most bang for your buck, in other words?
  4. Take a look at all the apps and software you’ve purchased to see if they are still helpful. Are there better time-saving methods that will cost less money and help you be more productive? Are there new tools that may work better for you and your author branding goals for 2024?


Does Your Message Still Resonate with You and Your Audience?


Maybe some things have changed in the last year or so, and that’s fine. We all grow and change and along with that our priorities and our messages and missions. Ask yourself the following questions to see if your brand message still resonates with you and your audience.


  • Audit your brand and marketing collateral. Is it still relevant?
  • Is your website about you or your readers?  
  • Does your content speak to the benefits for your readers?
  • Do you provide something of value right away? Is it easy to get to?
  • Is your message still resonating with you personally?
  • Develop a list of (or update) FAQs.


Reflect on Your Successes and Milestones Reached


This is a time not only for planning for your future and setting your author branding goals for 2024. It’s also a time of reflection on how much you have accomplished and what you can improve. Realize what has worked and keep going! 

One of the things I like to do, and recommend to my clients, is adding your goals to a calendar. This serves as a reminder and holds you accountable. Plus you can check them off as you go! There’s something very satisfying about checking things off a list. 

Keep in mind that branding goals are ever evolving and you need to check in on these goals regularly to keep yourself on task and motivated. There are daily tasks you will need to do to stay on track of your author branding goals for 2024. Quarterly check ins are also important.  

  • Set goals for new content, products, programs, and create the intention to connect with new influencers, always setting higher goals. Setting new intentions every year keeps your message and brand relevant and exciting for you and your fans. 
  • Create a new calendar of milestones every year.


Remember that course correction is part of the journey and to always follow your joy! Burnout is a real thing, and it can derail your plans so make your plan of action sustainable. I totally believe you can do it and that you’ll reach all your author branding goals for 2024, no matter what they may be.