Many times indie authors, especially new ones, find themselves overwhelmed by everything that goes into marketing their books. They believe that the work is over once the book is written. But really, that’s just where the work begins. And authors, I’ve found, aren’t exactly prepared for or comfortable with the whole marketing thing. To avoid author burnout we need to be prepared, and that requires crafting a sustainable marketing plan. 


Marketing Your Book is a Long Term Project


I think one of the best ways we can avoid author burnout is by knowing what to expect from the process from the beginning. It’s also helpful to understand that marketing your book is a long term project. Once you understand that marketing your book begins BEFORE it’s published and continues long after, it can put many things in perspective. Think of it as a new hobby. Marketing your book and building your brand are all part of what it means to be an author, after all. They are not separate things. 


You Can’t Just Blast Out a Promo and Be Done


The fact that book marketing is a long term project shouldn’t seem like a slog. Rather, it can be seen as a gift. You have more time than you think, so there’s no need to get frantic. You can avoid author burnout by not giving into the mindset that you have to focus all of your energy on it. Book marketing isn’t just blasting out promos all over the place for a few weeks. But that’s a good thing! Remember, the goal is to create a sustainable plan. With a longer timeline and continuing and consistent efforts it means less if one thing fails.  


Avoiding Author Burnout Requires Dedication


It may seem counterintuitive to think that dedicating time and attention to something will help it seem less overwhelming, but it’s not. Once you have decided to dedicate yourself to a long term sustainable plan it’s just a matter of turning that dedication into a commitment and routine. The problem comes when we view this dedication as a burden. 


Make Marketing Your Book a Routine


To avoid author burnout, your book marketing efforts should become part of a routine so it doesn’t become a burden. If you realize that marketing your book is just part of the life of a writer, it helps! Can you think of the moments when you often have free time? Is there a day or time of day where you have fewer obligations and more energy? Tap into that! Spend an hour or two every Saturday on your book marketing efforts while you listen to your favorite music and drink your coffee or tea. Check in on things a few times a week. Spending just 10-30 minutes doesn’t take much effort and can make a big difference.


Slow and Steady Wins the Race


By building your book marketing efforts into your routine, you not only help yourself avoid author burnout, but it becomes something you just do. If you keep up with all of this at a steady pace, and find a place where you’re comfortable—like a social platform you enjoy—then you start to see the reward for your efforts. You may even find it’s something you look forward to! 


A Sustainable Plan is One That Works for YOU

Ultimately, YOU choose what is sustainable for you. A marketing plan that fits your budget(both money and time included) is one that will carry you through. This can mean:


By Avoiding Author Burnout Your Journey is More Joyful


When you realize that marketing your book is not a chore, but part of the process of being an author you learn to take it all in stride. Sure, there are still moments when you feel a bit overwhelmed, or times when you don’t see the results you’d like as quickly as you hoped. But embracing the marketing part of being an author can bring you joy in many ways. You may discover talents you didn’t know you had, you may start connecting with your audience in deeper and more rewarding ways. Heck, you may even start to take pride in the work you do when you see it pay off. And be your authentic self. Not being authentic can be draining. 


All this means a more joyful experience, and avoiding author burnout that can make you give up and feel defeated. I truly believe that finding writers groups  and professional organizations can help make your book marketing journey more sustainable and joyful too. You gain support, a sense of community and motivation. There are also a ton of tools out there that save you time and energy and just make your author and book marketing efforts much easier. 



So make a routine that works for you. Engage with your audience in authentic ways and reach out to others in your community. I think you may find that marketing your book becomes way less like work and much more like a new and fulfilling part of your author life!