Book Marketing Tips
Branding, Publishing & Digital Marketing ResourcesPlus, you’ll get Jeniffer’s 10-Step Personal Branding Guide to get started today!

The Basics of Personal Branding
The difference between having a personal brand and not having one comes down to confidence. When you have a clear idea of who you are, what you stand for, and are willing to put that out for the world to see, you have a personal brand!

5 Big Benefits of Winning a Book Award
Winning a book award has many benefits besides just bragging rights. You have to think of it as part of your marketing plan to really understand the big difference winning a book award can make.

Why Joining the IBPA is Worth it for Indie Authors
You may ask, is joining the IBPA worth it? I say, it absolutely is!

What ISBNs are and How They Work: An Explainer for Indie Authors
Although you don’t need an ISBN to catalog your book in the Library of Congress, and an ISBN alone does not copyright your work, if you want to sell your book anywhere, you do need an ISBN.

6 Tools For Helping You Build Your Author Brand
There must be ways to make it easier and help you stay organized and productive, right? Well, there are! So I want to share some tools for helping you build your author brand to lighten the load a bit.

You Need to Join a Writers Group if You’re Serious About Writing
From sketching out that first draft to publishing and beyond, writers groups can help you realize your dreams of being a published writer.

Planning a Successful Book Launch Part 2: Prepping Your Brand
Prepping your brand in advance will ensure a successful book launch and serve you in all the continued marketing that will follow. This may seem like a lot, but you don’t have to do it all at once.

Planning a Successful Book Launch Part 1: Building a Book Launch Team
Building a book launch team is the foundation of a successful book launch. If you have a strong, committed group who has your back, you set clear expectations and do your part, your launch will go smoothly and be fun for everyone.

Trademarking Book Titles: It’s Not Really a Thing
When it comes to trademarking book titles, copyright and fair use, there’s a lot of confusion. And it’s super important to understand what each of these means and what they actually cover.

Getting Your Best Author Headshot Ever: 7 Tips
Plus, the more photos there are of you out there on the Internet optimizing your presence, the more likely you are to come up in a search. And don’t you want that search to produce the best author headshot you have?