We all know how the Covid-19 pandemic shifted meetings, conferences, networking and even work to the digital world. And a big portion of this still remains. It’s because, as it has been for a long while now, it’s the easy and accessible way to stay in touch, reach out and collaborate, and to bring like-minded people together. It’s just on a larger scale now. This makes for a great opportunity for building your brand and expanding your influence in the digital world!


Building Your Brand and Expanding Your Influence From Your Living Room


I think much of this change is pretty great in a lot of ways. People quickly realized that having conferences online instead of in person meant increased accessibility. Those who can’t travel for reasons ranging from mobility to budgets now have the opportunity to access ideas and information they wouldn’t have before. It also prompted people to learn to use new technology and get comfortable in those spaces so we can all take advantage of the convenience they offer.  


More of the World is at Your Fingertips than Ever Before! 

You no longer have to consider travel time and expenses to attend conferences and other networking and learning events. So take advantage of that! You can gain valuable information and discover opportunities and people right from your living room. Many of these are recorded for later viewing, so even scheduling isn’t a factor. If you haven’t already, maybe now is the time to start! 

You can also join industry groups on social media and engage, share your knowledge and connect with like-minded people. There are also so many official groups and organizations to join, and they’re all online too! 


Take Advantage of Technology Available to You


Speaking of technology, there are now more ways and tools to help you build your brand and expand your influence than ever before. These tools offer convenience and the blessing of saving your precious time. I often remind my clients that time and energy are a part of their marketing budget as well as money. 

 Some of these are new and some already existed, but you may have overlooked them. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Take the time to learn how to use the technology available to you. Because, let’s face it, it’s not going to go away and you can’t buy more time! 


User Friendly Tools Offer Help with Building Your Brand and Expanding Your Influence


From AI writing tools to scheduling software and virtual assistants, there are many available tools that are user friendly and extremely helpful. These types of tools make it easier to do your day to day work and make connecting seamless. You can read more about some of these tools in my blog on the subject.




New Platforms for Building Your Brand and Expanding Your Influence Are on the Rise


Social Media is shifting. The platforms we use and how we use them have changed. While some have become nearly obsolete in their usefulness because of these changes( uh-hum, Facebook) others have grown and become even more expansive. Platforms like LinkedIn are becoming more like older, traditional social platforms in that they are now used for sharing ideas and making more genuine connections than ever before. I highly recommend giving your LinkedIn a little more attention and see what it has to offer. 


Other, Emerging and Established Platforms are Now Being Used by More People! 


It seems everyone has a podcast these days, right? As some of you may know, I host a podcast myself. It’s just one of the ways I connect to my audience. I did this to build awareness for the San Diego Writers Festival and, well, because I love books! As for the newsletter, I’ve been trying to get around to that. For now, I continue to publish and share my blogs. 



There is truly a podcast out there for every topic and interest. Which means there is also an audience for your potential podcast! There are a few reasons why these are popular platforms for both creators and audiences. Among them are accessibility and ease of use.  Podcasts can be listened to anywhere and creating your own podcast isn’t nearly as daunting as it may seem.



Like social media, news and information media is also shifting. Everyone wants a curated feed of information now and they are seeking that out. Audiences want less noise and more focus on what matters to them. Even popular journalists are sharing their own newsletters on places like Substack. If you have something to say, maybe you should start an industry or niche topic newsletter!


TikTok and YouTube

Video is now the favored online format. Maybe it’s because it makes us feel more connected to the creators or maybe it’s because we no longer have attention spans. Maybe it’s both! But platforms like TikTok and YouTube are drawing people in with informative and quality content from creators they trust. Would this format work for you and what you have to share? It’s something to consider0 and expanding your influence. 


The point is, there is a whole digital world out there with new opportunities within it emerging all of the time! One or more of these have the ability to truly make a big impact and you may even find your niche. But first, you have to give them a try!

Are you ready to do that?