by Jeniffer Thompson | Jul 26, 2023 | Author Marketing, Content Creation, Ideas and Tips, Personal Branding, Selling Your Book
You put so much work into all you do, and your marketing and brand building efforts take up your time, and can drain your emotional and financial budgets. There must be ways to make it easier and help you stay organized and productive, right? Well, there are! So I...
by Jeniffer Thompson | Jul 12, 2023 | Ideas and Tips, Jeniffer Thompson, Networking
If you’re serious about writing, and especially getting published, you need to join a writers group. You’ll get invaluable support, a sense of community and learn important aspects of the writing and publishing process you likely won’t experience...
by Jeniffer Thompson | Apr 26, 2023 | Author Marketing, Events, Ideas and Tips, Networking, Personal Branding, Selling Your Book
Months before your book launch, before you even secure your book launch team, you’ll need to start prepping your brand for the big day. Below is your guide to making sure all your ducks are in a row and that your brand reflects that. Prepping Your Brand for Your Book...
by Jeniffer Thompson | Feb 22, 2023 | Author Marketing, Ideas and Tips, Personal Branding
Getting Your Best Author Headshot Means Actually Doing it! If you know me, you know that I’m an advocate for having your headshot taken once every new year. Having your best author headshot means keeping it fresh. But, I must admit, that even I have trouble...
by Jeniffer Thompson | Nov 16, 2022 | Author Marketing, Ideas and Tips, Personal Branding
I had to revamp this post from last year because reader magnets are still a powerful and simple tool for building your fanbase and your personal brand. If you’re not be familiar with the term reader magnet, you’re probably familiar with their use in practice....
by Jeniffer Thompson | Oct 5, 2022 | Author Marketing, Book Publishing, Ideas and Tips, Networking
When you’re building a career out of your writing, especially as a self-published author, it’s imperative that you seek out networking opportunities, find support groups and gain access to learning tools. There are many organizations and groups that...